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"Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which
celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct  us to
live in harmony with the rhythms of nature."

The Sixth Source of Affirmation
of the Unitarian Universalist Association

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Membership in CUUPS is open to anyone who supports the Principles and Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association, as well as the CUUPS Statement of Purpose.

CUUPS is a self-supporting and self-sustaining institution. The first and most important reason to stay connected to CUUPS is because we represent a liberal Earth-Centered presence in the Unitarian Universalist Association. We believe that Unitarian Universalism is broadened and deepened by our active presence and participation. We represent one of the few organization in the UUA that can claim an authentic theological position, and one that can claim a historical tradition that dates back to the dawn of human history. We bring to one another spiritual support, meaningful worship, intellectual engagement, and serve as a powerful witness for liberal Paganism within our tradition as Unitarian Universalists.

As stated in our Articles of Incorporation, 

"The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. exists for the purposes of promoting the practice and understanding of Pagan and Earth-centered spirituality within the Unitarian Universalist Association, enabling networking among Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists, providing for the outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan community, providing educational materials on Paganism and Earth-centered spirituality for Unitarian Universalist congregations and for the general public, promoting interfaith dialogue, encouraging the development of theological and liturgical materials based on Pagan and Earth-centered religious and spiritual perspectives, encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration, providing a place or places for gathering and for worship, and fostering healing relationships with the Earth and all of the Earth's children."

The purposes of CUUPS include providing support for Pagan-identified UU religious professionals and ministerial students. 

With the UUA ending the Independent Affilated category, our expenses are higher and our ability to have a presence at General Assembly, more expensive. We need your support. Please consider giving to CUUPS through our Donation page.

For Information about the Benefits of Membership click here.

If you are interested in membership, go to our Join CUUPS page to join online.

If you wish to join by via postal mail you may download a Membership Application to fill out by hand or via computer to print out.

Content & Text © Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans | Photographs in the header are from various CUUPS groups and members.

CUUPS Membership Services
2692 Madison Rd., Suite 216
Cincinnati, OH 45208

Phone: 330-892-8877 
(330-892-CUUPS) Leave a message and we will get back to you.


Written materials belong to the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. or the authors who have contributed the work.

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