CUUPS Birmingham
UU Church of Birmingham
4300 Hampton Heights Dr.
Birmingham, AL 35216
Church phone: 205-945-8109
Meeting information: Regular monthly meetings on 2nd Sat. of the month and celebration of 8 sabbats and 12 full moon esbats

There are no chapters in Arkansas. If you are interested in starting one, please contact
Circles in the Woods
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa
11400 Morris Bridge Rd.
Tampa, FL 33637-1902
Church Phone: 813-988-8188
Meeting Information: Consult the website for information about meetings and gatherings.
CUUPS of Fort Myers
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ft. Myers
13411 Shire Lane
Ft. Myers, FL 33912
Church Phone: 239-561-2700
Jacksonville CUUPS
Buckman Bridge UU Church
8447 Manresa Ave.,
Jacksonville, FL 32244
Church Phone: 904-276-3739
Chapter Email:

Moonpath CUUPS
Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale
2810 Griffin Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-5842
Church Phone: 954-484-6734
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Check our website or Facebook for a schedule of events.

Mystic Grove CUUPS
First Unitarian Church of Orlando
1901 E. Robinson Rd.
Orlando FL 32803
Church Phone: (407) 898-3621
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Monthly business meetings on 1st Sundays at 12:00pm. Hosts 8 solar holidays, occasional lunar rituals, Adult RE classes, socials, and more. Visit Facebook events pages or email contact for dates and times.

Sacred Oak CUUPs
UU Fellowship of Gainesville
4225 NW 34 Street
Gainesville, FL 32608
Chapter Contact: Alder Moon
Church Phone: 352-377-1669
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Meets every Thursday evening at 7 pm EST via Zoom. Email for link.
Spiral Journey CUUPS
UU of Brevard
2185 Meadowlane Ave.
W. Melbourne, FL 32804
Chapter Contact: Robert Henderson
Church Phone: 321-345-5246
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Meetings on the first and third Sunday evenings at 6 pm
The Path of the Labyrinth
Unitarian Universalist Friendship Fellowship
3115 Friendship Place
Rockledge, FL 32955
Church Phone: 321-242-1117
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Visit the church website for more information.
Hawk's Hoop CUUPS
11025 Mount Vernon Highway, NW
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
Church Phone: 770-955-1408
Meeting Information: Celebrates eight sabbats per year on the Sunday closest the holiday's traditional date. Email for more information.
Oak Grove CUUPS of UUCG
12 Bethesda Church Rd.
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Phone: 770-717-7913
Chapter Email:
Mountain Light CUUPS
Mountain Light UU Church
2502 Tails Creek Rd.
Ellijay, GA 30540-3553
Church phone: 256-509-1717
Chapter email:
Meeting information: See calendar tab on website
Marietta CUUPS
Emerson Unitarian Universalist Congregation
4010 Canton Rd
Marietta, GA 3006
Church phone: 770-578-1533
Chapter email:
Meeting information: Marietta CUUPS meet on the third Sunday of the month following the service and fellowship time at 11:20am. We celebrate the wheel of the year, plan and conduct services for the congregation, and meet to discuss topics relevant to paganism throughout the year.
All Peoples CUUPs
All Peoples UU Church
4936 Brownsboro Road
Louisville, KY 40222
Chapter Contact: Jennifer Ried
Church Phone: 502-425-6943
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Join us at one of our monthly meetings on the third Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm in the Farmhouse & on Zoom.

Louisville CUUPS
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Louisville
809 S Fourth St.
Louisville, KY 40203
Chapter Contact: Ron Zorn
Church Phone: 502-585-5110
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Meets for classes & public ritual celebrations of the eight Sabbats - See church website for times and details.
There are no chapters in Louisianna. If you are interested in starting one, please contact
Phoenix of the Grove
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson, MS
3209 N West St
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone: 601-982-5919
Church EMail:
Meeting Information: The Phoenix of the Grove chapter of CUUPS will post its meetings via the chapter's Facebook page, UUCJ's group page, and we will announce meetings during church service announcement times.

Blue Ridge Spirit CUUPS
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville
1 Edwin Place
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
Phone: 863-342-9155
Meeting Information: Meets monthly to plan and celebrate 8 holidays of the wheel of the year.

Eno River CUUPS
Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4907 Garrett Road, Durham NC 27707
Phone: (919) 489-2575
Meeting Information: We meet on eight Sundays close to the Earth-centered sacred days of Cross-Quarters, Equinoxes, and Solstices. We celebrate Yule with an all-congregation, family-friendly gathering on Winter Solstice, and gather on the third Sunday afternoon of January for a community circle for planning and review. Please join our email group to receive event announcements with full details.
Misty Mountain CUUPS
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville
2021 Kanuga Road
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Church Phone:828-693-3157
Meeting Information: You can find our meeting information at
We offer classes, rituals and social events. We are a group of sages and new seekers and all in between. We celebrate outside when the weather is nice and indoors in cold weather. Potlucks and social time usually accompanies most events.

Piedmont UU Church CUUPS
Piedmont UU Church
9704 Mallard Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28262
Church phone: 704-510-0008
Chapter email:
Meeting information: Meets 2nd Wed. at 7pm on Zoom for book club. In-person gatherings to celebrate 8 sabbats.
Soaring Cattle CUUPS
UU Fellowship of Winston-Salem
4055 Robinhood Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Church phone: 336-659-0331
Chapter email:
Meeting information: See calendar
Ancient Sea Island Continuum (ASIC)
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Beaufort
178 Sams Pt. Rd.
Beaufort, SC 29907
Phone: 843-522-1765
Chapter Email: or
Meeting Information: Visit our website or email for information.

Gaia's Rising
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbia
2701 Heyward St
Columbia, SC 29205-2523
Church Phone: 803-799-0845
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Meets at UU Fellowship of Columbia every Thursday at 7pm. Please check our website for specific meeting dates and directions.
Chalice Fire CUUPs
First UU Church of Nashville
1808 Woodmont Ave
Nashville, TN
Church Phone: 615-383-5760
Chapter Email:

Holston CUUPS
Holsten Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
Mailing Address: PO Box 8383 • Gray, TN 37615
Street Address: 136 Bob Jobe Rd. • Gray, TN 37615
Church Phone: (423) 477-7661
Chapter Email:
Neshoba CUUPs
Neshoba UU Church
7350 Raleigh Lagrange Rd
Cordova, TN 38018
Church Phone: 901-266-2626
Chapter Email:
Meeting Information: Saturdays 2x a month, both rituals and workshops.