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"Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which
celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct  us to
live in harmony with the rhythms of nature."

The Sixth Source of Affirmation
of the Unitarian Universalist Association

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CUUPS Chapters in Mid-Western US

NebraskaNorth DakotaOhio,
South Dakota & Wisconsin)

Other CUUPS 
Chapter Locations




Rocky Mountains





Covenant of Earth and Sky

Second Unitarian Church of Chicago

656 West Barry

Chicago, Illinois 60657

Church Phone: 773-549-0260

Chapter Email:

Meeting Information: See our church calendar for events and meetings.


Many Paths CUUPS

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal 

1613 E Emerson St.

Bloomington, IL 61701-2008 

Church Phone: 309-530-7823

Meeting Information: Meetings are being held online once a month.  Please see the Many Paths CUUPs FB Page for more information. 


Treibh na Tintean

UU Church of Joliet

3401 W Jefferson St.  

Joliet, IL 60431 

Church Phone: 815-744-9020

Meeting Information: Meets for Full Moons and esbats.  

White Oak Grove CUUPS 

UU Church of Rockford 

4848 Turner St.

Rockford IL 61111 

Phone: 815-398-6322 



Meeting Information: Meets on 1st Sundays. Contact for information. 


Elemental Spirits

Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis 

615 W 43rd St., Indianapolis, IN 46208 

Church Phone: 317-283-4760

Church Email:

Meeting Information:1st  and 3rd Thursdays of each month

Heart of the Circle Pagans

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Elkhart 

1732 Garden Street

Elkhart, IN 46515 

Church Phone: (574) 264-6525

Chapter Email:  

Meeting Information: Administrative meetings follow Sabbat rituals and are scheduled as needed quarterly. Please check our calendar for the latest dates and events.

Wabash Valley Crow Circle CUUPS

First UU Congregation of Terre Haute 

1875 S. Fruitridge

Terre Haute, IN 47803 

Church Phone: 812-232-1193

Chapter Email:

Wheel of the Year CUUPS

First Unitarian Church of Hobart 

497 Main St

Hobart, IN 46342

Church Phone: 219-942-1611

Meeting Information: Celebrates the Wheel of the Year celebrates all eight Sabbats on the Saturday nearest the holiday at 7 pm.


Owl Moon CUUPS 

Unitarian Universalist Society of Iowa City

10 Gilbert St.

Iowa City, IA 52245

Phone: 319-337-3443


Meeting Information: For info about Owl Moon CUUPS activities, check the Facebook Page.

Pagan Peoples 

Peoples Church Unitarian Universalist 

4980 Gordon Avenue NW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 

Church Phone: 319-362-9827

Meeting Information: Meetings on the third Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm.


Sacred Bridges CUUPs 

First Unitarian Church of Des Moines

1800 Bell Ave.

Des Moines IA 50315

Church Phone: 515-244-8603

Chapter Email:

Meeting Information: Reg. meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Sabbats and monthly full moon rituals. We hold Sabbats Rituals and Religious Education classes, as well as an annual educational event.  See the Facebook page for more info. 


There are no chapters in Kansas. If you are interested in starting one, please contact


Ancient Shores CUUPs

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland

6220 Jefferson Ave

Midland, MI 48640

Church Phone: 989-631-1162

Meeting Information: Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month at 12:15 pm immediately following the Sunday service.

CUUPs Covenant of the Blazing Star 

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Michigan

319 S. University Ave.

Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 

Church Email:

Meeting Information: We gather to celebrate the Pagan sabbats and have a small potluck meal after each ritual when possible. This is an open group - anyone is welcome to participate. 

Chestnut Grove
UU Church of Greater Lansing
5509 S. Pennsylvania Ave
Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: 517-351-4081
Meeting info: Meets on 3rd Sundays, 12-2


There are no chapters in Minnesota. If you are interested in starting one, please contact


GAIA Community UU Church

Ubuntu Village Community Center 

4327 Troost Ave.

Kansas City, Missouri

Church Phone: (816) 629-4933

Church Email:

Meeting Information: Meetings are at Shawnee Mission KS at the Shawnee Mission UUC


Mystic Soujourn CUUPS

First Unitarian Church of Omaha 

3114 Harney Street 

Omaha, Nebraska 68131 

Chapter Contact: Rosharra

Church Phone: 402-345-3039 

Chapter Email:

Meeting Information: Celebrating Earthbound Religions through rituals, church services, meetings, book clubs, potlucks, and more. Info on the church FB page and in the news.


There are no chapters in North Dakota. If you are interested in starting one, please contact


Chalice of the Willow CUUPS

Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

8690 Yankee St

Dayton, OH 45458

Church Phone: 937-436-3628

Chapter Email:

Meeting Information: Discussion groups every 2nd Sunday after the service at 12:30 pm. Classes or workshop on the 4th Saturday of the month at 7 pm.  Check Facebook Page for updated information.

EarthSpirit CUUPS

St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church

320 Resor Ave

Cincinnati, OH

Chapter Contact: Ravensong

Church Phone: 513-961-1938

Chapter Email:


There are no chapters in South Dakota. If you are interested in starting one, please contact


There are no chapters in Wisconsin. If you are interested in starting one, please contact

Content & Text © Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans | Photographs in the header are from various CUUPS groups and members.

CUUPS Membership Services
2692 Madison Rd., Suite 216
Cincinnati, OH 45208

Phone: 330-892-8877 
(330-892-CUUPS) Leave a message and we will get back to you.


Written materials belong to the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. or the authors who have contributed the work.

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