The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) exists in part to promote the practice and understanding of Pagan and Earth-centered Spirituality within the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and to enable networking among Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists. Chapters are one way CUUPS accomplishes these goals.
CUUPS encourages chapter meetings and worship services to be open to all people. Chapter activities can appeal to members of UUA congregations, interested Pagans from the community, as well as people who do not consider themselves Unitarian Universalists nor Pagans.
With close to 70 chapters continentally, finding a CUUPS chapter near you is getting easier. This list of chapters and the congregations they are affiliated with, as well as links to those chapters who have sites online.
Chapters are part of a congregation's small group ministries. They can be set up to serve only the congregation's need for congregants to have a place to worship in an art/nature centering format or they can also be outreach to the larger earth/nature centered community in surrounding areas.
If you have any questions about forming a chapter or would like coaching on managing chapters please contact and our Membership and Chapter Committee Chairperson will contact you.