A Recipricol Style Covenant between a Chapter & Congregation.
When writing and crafting a covenant look at the relationship between your congregation and chapter and how you will work with one another and support one another. Think about the chapter's support of the congregation and visa versa.
Here are some samples.
Mystic Grove CUUPS, FL
Mystic Grove CUUPS Covenant with the First Unitarian Church of Orlando (Brief)
The Mystic Grove is an affinity group and CUUPS chapter at the First Unitarian Church of Orlando. (1U) We work with our sponsoring congregation and its minister to offer worship, educational, and fellowship opportunities for our congregants and the general public.
Mystic Grove serves the 1U community and the Greater Orlando area by creating opportunities for UU and Pagan networking where UUs can learn more about the basics of Paganism, and Pagans can learn more about the basics of Unitarian Universalism.
We do this by...
- Providing worship opportunities such as seasonal ritual celebrations and participating in Sunday worship services that integrate Pagan practices / Earth Centered elements with standard UU elements.
- Providing classes and study groups with a UU / Pagan focus.
- Providing fellowship opportunities where UUs and Pagans can socialize and people of differing beliefs can get to know each other in a safe environment.
- Assisting 1U staff and 1U committees to find Pagan/Earth centered songs, readings, curriculum, topics, and more on request to help aid them in their work.
First Unitarian supports Mystic Grove by providing space for events, office support and storage space, providing a budget line for financial transparency and money handling, and promoting events to UUs and the Greater Orlando area by providing a 1U webpage and space in the church weekly bulletin, Order of Service, and church Facebook. It also provides a church email address.
Fredrick, MD CUUPS
We, the Frederick CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) group of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick, honor the UUA 7th principle; “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. We provide support to all seeking to live a life more in balance with nature by exploring the teachings and traditions of various pagan and Earth-centered religions and philosophies.
We adhere to the mission statement of UUCF, National CUUPS, and the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We promote personal responsibility and integrity, diversity and compassion, competency and education in the pursuit of spiritual balance.
We offer our talents and abilities in service to our fellow congregants at UUCF and the greater Frederick community by providing celebrations to honor the Earth and its cycles. We seek both mirth and reverence, and we honor the Divine in many forms.